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    THE TEN COMMITMENTS High Resolution Printable Infographic Poster

    • Download THE TEN COMMITMENTS High Resolution Printable Infographic Poster

Download THE TEN COMMITMENTS High Resolution Printable Infographic Poster


This life, in this world, is our central defining focus. Each one of us is responsible for the collective welfare of humanity, other beings, and the resources of our shared planet. We value freedom, reason, and tolerance, and it is our responsibility to develop this heritage for ensuing generations.

The Ten Commitments represents our shared humanistic values and principles that promote a democratic world in which every individual’s worth and dignity is respected, nurtured, and supported, and where human freedom and ethical responsibility are natural aspirations for everyone. This is presented by the American Humanist Association Center for Education.

The Center for Education offers our 10 Commitments individual memes and “wheel” art for use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported license ( You may use, share, or adapt the art with attribution, but you may not use it for commercial purposes.

If you share this art, the American Humanist Association appreciates the attribution, “The Ten Commitments is a project of the American Humanist Association.” If you create derivative works that adapt or modify the original, please note, “The Ten Commitments is a project of the American Humanist Association (altered from original).”